Serving, MD, DC, VA, FL, TX, NC and National and International Coaching Clients

  • Healing Mind and Body

    A couple years ago I couldn’t walk due to a back injury. Today I biked for an hour followed by a 30 minute swim, without pain. I admit I never fully understood the significance of pain and balance in life until that moment that I couldn’t stand up and had to call an ambulance. Sure, I’d had some injuries (mostly issues from running and shoulder overuse in swimming) but never anything that left me completed unable to engage in daily activity (including something seemingly as simple as sitting down to eat with a friend). My body was telling me something powerful. A team of  people helped me. A lot of doctors pushed me away or said surgery was the only way. I persevered despite the fear that they instilled in me and found alternative medicine to be incredibly helpful. I did acupuncture twice a week for months, then saw the chiropractor and did physical therapy. The alternative medicine took time and commitment and sometimes I thought there would never be a light at the end of the tunnel or otherwise know as long bike rides and hikes and FREEDOM. 

     But through all of the darkness I pushed myself to seek what makes me tick and change what doesn’t feel good or right. I am following my dreams now, sometimes with ease and at times faced with the challenge to overcome resistance and fear. I am running a thriving private therapy practice and building my business to give back to others the way people helped me.

    If you want my support, contact me for help at 240-686-5834 or shoot me an email at [email protected] and I would be happy to talk to you!

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